Course Catalogue
Although the following is a list of courses currently available, if you are looking to have a specific course taught, please let me know and a customized course can be created.
Note: Where I have the skillset, I teach the class. When I do not, I bring in a professional who teaches the classes.
Estate Planning Series
A face to face course offered by various municiaplities or local organizations (like your library)
This is a 4 part series (4 days 2 hrs. each), typically held the same day each week (every Wednesday for example).
Living Healthy/Travel Series
- How to find information on the Northern Ontario Health network
- Healthy eating on a fixed income
- Stay on your feet
- Cooking for one
- Staying Safe in your own home
- It’s not right – Elder Abuse
- Downsizing and Decluttering
- Preparing to Move to a smaller place
- Staying social – it is important*
- Engaging with your skillsets to keep you busy and teaching others*
- Senior Travel with a CAA Guest Speaker
- Mental Health Discussion.
- Medicinal Cannabis – it’s not the same as the recreational kind
- Women and Credit – the importance of having your own credit and improving your credit score
- Firearms – did you know you need a PAL if you have them in your home even if you don’t use them?
- Understanding all of your insurance – be “assured” you are “insured” correctly
Getting Connected Social Series
- How to use your cell phone
- How to use you tablet/ipad
- How to use to Internet in general
- All about Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram
- Frauds and scams – what to be aware of
- Internet Security – understanding security settings and other information
- Internet – browsing search engines like google and finding what you are after
- Internet – how to clear your search history
Computer Series
- How to use your laptop
- Organizing your information
- Backing up your data
- Managing email
- How to use Microsoft Word
- How to use Microsoft Excel
- How to use Microsoft Powerpoint
- Learning how to log off properly and clearing your browsing history
Pictures, Pictures, Pictures
- Getting all those pictures off your phone or tablet and put elsewhere
- Getting your pictures organized
- Getting your pictures printed
- Getting your pictures from email, facebook and other websites (Like ancestry)
Money Management Series
- Income and benefits from government programs. Don’t miss out or cause your benefits to be lost!
- You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone – where does the money go? A 4 part series 4 – 2 hours sessions over the period of 6 weeks.
- Internet Banking – do not be afraid, it’s great!
- Managing and protecting your assets
- Planning for possible loss of independence
- Planning for your future housing needs
- Live long and prosper, do not outlive your money
- Financial abuse and steps you can put in place to avoid it